Real Life Potty Training Stories

At One Proud Toddler we realize that potty training happens in real life, not in a laboratory. So we decided to curate this new blog series showing how real parents potty trained their real kids. Our hope is that these stories help motivate readers and serve as a source of relevant examples, tips and tricks that can be incorporated into their own potty training journeys.

Our Featured Read

"Potty Training in Traffic"

See how this actress potty trained her two-year-old son in between auditions. Throw L.A. traffic into the mix and you've got a Real Life Potty Training Story! 

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The Complete Series

Real Life Potty Training Story No. 1

The first installment in our new series. Find out how this mom (and co-founder of One Proud Toddler) successfully potty trained her two kids!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 2

The second installment in our new series. If you thought potty training one child was daunting, imagine training twins on a tight timeline!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 3

The third installment in our new series. See how this family made lemonade out of lemons by potty training their son during the height of the pandemic in New York City!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 4

The fourth installment in our new series. See how this father of FIVE potty trained his children while mom proudly watched from the sidelines!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 5

The fifth installment in our new series. See how this actress in L.A. potty trained her two-year-old son in between auditions!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 6

The sixth installment in our new series. See how this educator potty trained her daughter during summer vacation!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 7

The seventh installment in our new series. See how this fitness coach broke up her daughter's potty training journey into two rounds: one at 13 months old and a second at 19 months old!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 8

The eighth installment in our new series. See how this mom blogger is potty training her son at his own pace using the 'gradual parent-led' method!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 9

The ninth installment in our new series. See how this preschool director potty trained her two sons!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 10

The tenth installment in our new series. See how this expecting mom potty trained her son while on bedrest, doctor's orders!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 11

The eleventh installment in our new series. See how this Montessori-inspired mom guided her two girls on their potty learning journey!

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Real Life Potty Training Story No. 12

The twelfth installment in our new series. See how this mom potty trained her son using a Montessori-inspired approach!

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